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George Anne Media Group's Read for Pizza

This event was designed to understand what the students of Georgia Southern University read or are interested in from our weekly newspaper. The incentive to read was slices of pizza. Students were asked to give us their student email address which earned them the newspaper and a slice of pizza. The students then circled what they read or looked at within the newspaper. Once completing this, if they wanted to receive another slice of pizza they could read another portion of our newspaper. We collected 100 responses that helped us determine what kind of stories the students wanted to see from us. 

George Anne Media Group's Reflector Launch Event

Reflector Launch Event is a celebration for the semesterly magazine. This event was initially planned for November 2019 but due to a hurricane in October production for the magazine slowed. The event typically incorporates vendors. This semester included Georgia Southern's Human Ecology Department and Eagle Clips and Tanning. 

©2019 by Alexis Daye Freeman. Proudly created with

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